Monday, 15 August 2016

Witnessing to People You Know

Sometimes, it’s hardest to witness to people you know.

I had been praying for an opportunity to share the books we’ve been canvassing with my music teacher. I wasn’t sure how to go about it though; because I know her well, I couldn’t turn up at her door and canvass her like everyone else. And, I wouldn’t have liked to have taken a donation for the books, because she already gives me so much – yet I know she wouldn’t just take them. I didn’t want to give her the books, because I wasn’t sure if she had time to read.

But about two weeks ago, her and I were having a discussion (as we generally do), when she said that she loved reading, and she reads every day. Her idea of heaven was a bright sunny room, the most comfortable snuggly lounges and rows of rows of books – floor to ceiling bookshelves. I agreed that sounded pretty nice, as I enjoy reading too. The conversation moved on, or rather, the lesson got started, but I realized something. God had just given me an opportunity: my teacher and I had just had a conversation about reading, and she told me she reads every day. I decided to give her a book.

I was nervous about the idea – I feel out of practice with witnessing at the moment, and I’m not the type of person who can easily make conversation, and have the right words at the right time. But I prayed a lot about it during the week, and I decided that God gave me the opportunity, so He’d give me the strength. I was also thinking of the times Ellen White says we give account for the opportunities we’ve used, and those we’ve wasted. God had given me an opportunity; it was my responsibility to use it.

Of course, my worries were in vain. Isn’t it crazy how we get surprised when God is God like He says He will be? I gave my teacher Peace Above the Storm, and told her that after our conversation the previous week, I decided to give her ‘a piece of heaven.’ She seemed to like it, and before I left, she thanked me again and said she would read it.

I’m glad I took the opportunity, and that my teacher gratefully accepted the book. I’m praying that it will be a blessing to her – and if you feel impressed, please pray for her too.

It’s encouraging to be reminded that when God gives opportunities, He gives us the strength and courage to meet them. He prepares hearts to receive knowledge of Him, and we really have nothing to be worried about.  

So, how do you witness to people you know? Do you find it more or less difficult? How has God been proving to you that He’s got everything under control?

Keep striving onward and upward!

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

A Rewarding Work

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Matthew 21:22

Over the past couple of weeks I have been canvassing and sharing books door to door. I would like to relate a couple of experiences that have really stood out in my memory as divine appointments, and amazing opportunities. Canvassing is a very rewarding work, which requires tact, patience and perseverance, as well as a willing heart.  Something I have to keep reminding myself is, you never know what influence or blessing someone may gain from a simple experience that we can too easily take for granted.  

One day when I was out canvassing, I knocked on the first few doors and no one was home, so I silently prayed, asking for some open doors, and hearts receptive to take the books. (I was canvassing with someone who had never canvassed before and I really wanted it to be a real blessing for them to see God actively working through us to bless others.) Upon reaching the next door, an elderly lady came out and she seemed quite friendly. As I canvassed her the cookbook with lots of healthy recipes, she turned to me and said, “Do you have another one? Could I get two of these?” I answered, “Yes, I sure do! Here you go, handing her the other cookbook from my bag. Then she went inside to get a donation, handing it to me with a “Thank you.” I told her that when people help us out with a donation, we like to leave them with a reading book, showing her The Great Controversy. She was so delighted that she told me she would be reading it for sure, and using the cookbook as well. Greatly encouraged, and delighted at God’s immediate answer to prayer, we departed, smiling!  

Another time I was canvassing, I came to this door, and barely finished the introduction before the lady blurted out, “Oh, I have a grand-daughter with that name as well! And she is so sweet; she’s an absolutely beautiful good girl! You must be too, because you have the same name.” She smiled even broader I showed her what we had. After talking for a while she turned to get a donation, stating she was going to get the cookbook for her grand-daughter to cook healthy. I was smiling at what some would call a coincidence, but no, it was a divine appointment! When she returned I said, “Well actually, I haven’t showed you what else we’ve got,” and pulling out the Peace Above the Storm I handed to her - just as her phone rang. She answered, and then told the person on the phone that she had these lovely young people at her door one by the same name as her granddaughter! After the phone call, I canvassed her Peace Above the Storm. It didn’t take any convincing: she smiled and gave a donation, so happy that we had dropped by!

I was canvassing on my own one day, and I took the opportunity to spend each moment between doors, and while waiting at the doors, to pray for divine appointments, quick shut downs, and open hearts and homes in need of His love that would be open to receive the books. I remember this particular door very well: I knocked, a nicely dressed lady came to the door, I introduced myself and, before I could show her the books, she told me she was about to go out, and didn’t have much time. I told her I would just quickly show her the book that, in particular, the ladies have been loving: Peace Above the Storm. She read the title and I could just see in her face that she wanted it; it grabbed her attention, and when I said “freedom from worry, guilt and fear” her eyes almost lit up with a smile! She asked, "How much do you want for it?" I told her that people generally help out with a donation around so much, and she went inside, returned with a donation, and with a warm smile, thanked me for coming by.

We all want to hear that wonderful assurance as overcomers, "WELL DONE, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." (Matthew 25:21) Then, let us today, tomorrow, and forever, be faithful in that which is least.

God bless you, and go bless!